EoBI has Introduced Online System for Payment of Pension Contributions by Employers

Reform ID E036
 Reform Description  EoBI Introduced Online System for Pension Contributions by Employers

Before: It was budensome for businesses to pay contributions manually each month.

After: After introduction of Online payment facility by EOBI, Businesses can conveniently pay their contributions online.

Sector Employers/Businesses across all Sectors
Beneficiaries Employers who pay pension contributions to EoBI.
Jurisdiction/Location  All over Pakistan
Department  EoBI
Date of Implementation  13-12-2018
Details Difficulty ●   Employers were paying pension contributions to EoBI manually, resulting in more time and hassle.
Analysis ●  On study of global best practices, it was decided to introduce an online system for payments of contributions so as to save time and cost of businesses.
Solution  ●    An online system for payment of pension contributions has been introduced by EoBI which will facilitate the payment of contributions by employers.

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