Online Repository and Electronic Verification of Registered Property

Reform ID B060
Reform Description Online Repository and Electronic Verification of Registered Property 

Before: Registering property was a manual and hectic process. There was no provision in Law to create online repository and authorize electronic verification.

After: The law has been amended and electronic verification of credentials is possible now.

Sector  All Sectors
Beneficiaries All Businesses
Jurisdiction/Location  Balochistan
Department  Board of Revenue, Balochistan
Date of Implementation  01-07-2021 (KP),
Details Difficulty ●      Since there was no legal cover for online repository and verification of the digitized documents, businesses were facing difficulty for physical verification of the registered property as it was a cumbersome and time consuming process.
Analysis ●      There was a need to amend the Registration Act, 1908 so as to allow the automation and online verification of the registered property.
Solution  ●    Govt of Balochistan has amended the property registration law i.e., Registration Act, 1908 and  now electronic verification is permissible.

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