Online Application Filing, Processing and Registration System Started by Registrar of Firms in Sindh

Reform ID S054
Reform Description  Online Registration of the Firms with Registrar Introduced

Before:Firms were using the traditional manual system for registration with the Registrar of Firms, which was costly and time consuming.

After: Now firms can register themselves with the Registrar of Firms online savig time and cost.

Sector  All Sectors
Beneficiaries All Businesses
Jurisdiction/Location  Sindh
Department  Indsutries and Commerce Department, Sindh
Date of Implementation 
Details Difficulty  The registration of firms was done through the traditional manual system which was time consuming and inefficient.
Analysis Businesses were complaining that the existing system of registration was cumbersome, causing additional time and cost. There was a dire need to automate the same for enhancing its efficiency.
Solution  After the automation of the registration process, the businesses/firms can now register themselves through the business registration portal without being required to travel to main cities. This resulted in saving time, cost and hassle on the part of the businesses.

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