Eliminate Requirement for Whitewashing all Surfaces in Factories [Factories Act] 

Reform ID  P088 
Reform Description  Before: Punjab Factories Act prescribed minute details like grading of whitewash and ensuring all surfaces are white washed. Inspectors used to penalize businesses for even minor violations concerning whitewashing of factory premises.  


After:  Now the businesses have been permitted not to compulsorily white wash the surface if it is made of the material which cannot be painted, varnished or whitewashed including marble tiles or similar material.  

Sector  All Sectors 
Beneficiaries  All Businesses 
Jurisdiction/ Location  Punjab 
Department  Directorate General of Labour Welfare, Punjab 
Date of Implementation  14-07-2021 
Timeline  Last 06 Months  
Details  Difficulty  With factories now moving towards automation and modern equipment, some requirements under the relevant Factories Act are redundant or no longer necessary. One such requirement is getting all surfaces whitewashed with a specific grade of whitewash.  
Analysis  It was analyzed that the requirement of whitewash is outdated and is not aligned with the current day requirements and international best practices to maintain hygiene, therefore, this requirement should be abolished.  
Solution  Accordingly, the Directorate General Labor Welfare, Punjab issued an order directed the inspectors of factories not to insist for whitewash if the surface is made up of material which can be kept clean without paint, varnish or whitewash including marble tile etc.  
Evidence  Order by Directorate General Labour Welfare, Punjab 

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