Enhance Drug License Period from 2 to 5 Years

Reform ID B025
Reform Description  The Validity of Drug License has been increased from 02 Years to 05 Years

Before: Drug businesses had to renew their licenses after every two years.

After: To save drug businesses from hectic renewal process, the validity of drug license has been enhanced from 2 to 5 years.

Sector  Pharmaceutical
Beneficiaries All Medical Store Businesses and Pharmacists
Jurisdiction/Location  Balochistan
Department  Provincial Health Directorate, Government of Balochistan.
Date of Implementation 
Details Difficulty ●      The Drug License issued by the  health directorate was valid for two years, after which the renewal was required.

●      This scheme required businesses to renew their license every two years which was a very cumbersome process, adding time and financial cost.

Analysis ●      To ease out the business regulatory environment the renewal requirements for businesses need to be reviewed
Solution  ●      Validity period of Drug License has been increased to 05 years. Now businesses can easily work without being bothered for renewal after every two years

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